HiiiYah!!! Graham looks like he is gonna chop someone in this pic. His cousin Olivia will have to teach him some kirate when he gets older. Our summer has been a good one so far, an unusual one, but a good one. We have spent it packing, traveling to and from Utah, and hanging out with our friends. With so much coming up in our lives, Jared said it best...
"we kind of have been wishing the summer away".
With still a lot of summer left, hopefully we can find some time to fit a few more things in.

We did make it to the famous Cheyenne Frontier Days Parade this year. Jared was even a good sport about it. We went with the Eyres, which helped( Jared had a fellow dad to hang out with). Graham was a hit at the parade. All of the people kept waving and smiling at him. I know they do that to everyone at a parade, BUT they were especially sweet to Graham. He loved the horses and everything except the loud sirens.

One thing that we will not miss about living here, not having AC...
hello central air..see you real soon!!!!
Truman update: getting fatter and fatter. He can sit, shake, and enjoys his walks now(short ones).
Bryan and Grandma will be there to visit on Sunday--I think--That is the plan! I'll see you when you arrive! xo bon