Graham was my packing buddy

Last shot at the Cheyenne homestead

Grandma and Graham hanging out in the garage giving out orders:)

If you look close you can see that little black thing, which is Grahams 1st stitch(cell phone pic)
Looks like little Graham has got a new nick-name, Stitch. As most of you know, he has had quite the little rash on his neck for months now. After trying every cream, ointment, and visiting with doctors, pharmasists, and anyone who had suggestions, we finally had to get a biopsy done to figure out what the heck is going on. Grandma Connie works at a dermatology office, so we had the inside scoop of just what was going to happen. First, the poor kid had to get a shot of lydicane(I hated that when I got my epideral, that never worked by the way) it stings!; then they had to punch out a significant peice of his little neck, AND then............ sew a stitch in it! Graham of course was just fine, it was me who was not. I had geared my self up to be in there with him no matter what. Jared came to my rescue, and also knows whats best and, sent me out of the room, whew! They had to hold him down, which was what he hated so bad. They said he did great, and were quite impressed with him. He wasn't even crying when I came back in. Jared thinks he looks tough now with his stitch and band aid:) As if that wasn't enough for Graham, or me...We then went to his doctor for his 9 mth check up. He had to get a heel prick, and another band aid. Talk about NOT a fun day! He sure was a beast though, seemed like himself the rest of the day.
He weighs 21lbs, is 28.5 inches, and head circ is... I can't remember but I wrote it down somewhere.....all around the 50-60%.
Also, we moved and are staying at Brett and Connies until the house gets finished. Still feels like we are just visiting and not really moved here. We packed up in such a hurry that I feel like I'm still going back there. We sure loved Cheyenne. Its hard to leave great friends, a great house, and Grahams first home. We are very excited for this next chapter though. We LOVE the new house, and can't wait to move in!
Awww his first stitch! What a tough lil guy (and go mom for hanging in there!) So glad the move went well, hopefully you'll be able to get into your new home soon!