Sunday, January 23, 2011

Things that made me smile this week

I found myself feeling very happy this week. Nothing in particular happened. I think, or should I say KNOW that getting more sleep=a happy, nicer me:) I have this saying that when something great is happening, or when I want to remember a moment forever, that I'm "making a mental picture, or memory"..and then really try to soak up what is happening.
This happened more than once this week. Not all weeks are like this, and its something that I try to work on, trying to recognize the good and not focus on the bad, or hard, or whatever negative is around.
This week I remember walking into the bedroom and spying on Graham and Jared in the tub. Jared was singing to Graham, and Graham was bobbing his head back and forth happily touching his dad's face. I watched them for a few minutes, and felt so blessed to have both of them in my life, and so happy that they had each other.

We went up to my mom and dad's for a day, while Jared worked in Logan. I loved watching Autumn and Graham play together. She is the boss, but so sweet with him at the same time. He was such a big boy, and wanted me to know it. He would get this face everytime he would reach the top of the stairs or when he would stand on top of the couch.
I also love how he taps my mom's neck and then will lay his head down on her and snuggle.

We built a fort at home this week, and Graham thought it was great. He is at such a fun age! He is so curiuos, and he laughs whenever someone else will laugh. I laughed everytime he would try to pull the blanket down, and then he would laugh. We did this over and over, and I loved it.

He is trying to feed himself with a spoon. This is very hard for me. ugh. messy. One morning I just let him have at his applesauce. He got it all over of course, but it didn't bother me so much that day. It turned out to be nice hair gel for him.

I love how he looks in his stocking hat. We got to go on a few stroller walks this week. It was really fun walking with our little family(including Truman) and enjoying the beautiful place we get to live in.

Driving home from my mom and dad's, Jared put on the song "seminole wind" by John Anderson. Anyone? It is a terrible song in my opinion, old, and very twangy. Very not his style. He sang it at the top of his lungs. I laughed and rolled my eyes. It made me smile. I love him.

My mom and sister came down for a surprise visit. We went to lunch and the mall. Grandma Vickie played with Graham while Katie and i shopped a little. It was such a simple thing, but for some reason meant so much that day. It was nice to be taken care of, instead of the one taking care of..know what I mean?

Graham get this full on giggle, belly laugh whenever Papi does the buggy wuggy game. It is SO hilarious, and addicting. He pretends he is going to tickle him and Graham loves it! He really laughs so hard that he falls over. Loved that laughter at their house for Grandma Connies birthday.

Mental memories can only last so long right, better that I put them down.

The palest ink is greater than the best memory.


  1. I was the same way with my first baby when he ate, but after another baby or two comes along you'll soon see yourself just dealing with the messes they make as they learn!!

  2. Cole! I love re-living my babies through your words! I miss parts of it but mostly glad to have my big kids doing fun new stuff too. I got the book back that I made from my blog and it turned out great! the web site is and it is very easy!
