Yup, I'm pretty proud of these bad boys. I even tried to take food-blog like pictures of them. I've been taking them to every party basically this season. They are so cute and festive. Not to mention SOOOO good. I told Jared last night that these are even worth the calories:)

Jared's old mission buddy was in town, and stopped by for a visit. We really wish they lived closer. Quinn and Graham play so good together. The Jensens are back in Michigan trying to get through Dental school so they can come back to Utah to be with us:)

Here she is, in all her glory. I liked how she turned out. Of course there could always be a few more decorations, but Jared has to reign me in during Christmas..I get this problem from my mom, and grandma.

These are a few pics I found and wanted to post. The month has been so busy, and is flying by. We are enjoying the festivities, and trying to take in all the Christmas season has to offer. It really is great being so close to so much family .

Papa and Grahamio at the Christmas Baldwin party. Graham loves his Papa, and even like Santa just a little bit better than Santa at the mall:) He is still not a fan though.

Aunt Kathy was in town a few weeks ago, and we got to see her. She is a favorite for sure, and we wish we could see her more often. Graham loved her right up, and we wished we could've had more time with her. We love you Aunt Kathy!

These are Grahams best Wyoming friends. The Eyers came to visit, and I can't believe I don't have better pictures. These three got along so well, and we LOVED their visit!

For as long as I can remember we have met at Grandma Marges early December for Candy Day. My mom, aunt, and the kids( as soon as you are in 6th grade,) get together for a fun, busy, at times, silly day. Candy day this year was actually candy..couple of days. It seems like it gets bigger and bigger each year. This is a pic from my phone of the whole crew. I have no idea how much candy we make, but this year we used 30 lbs of chocolate! Its another one of the traditions that I really enjoy and hope to carry on and on.
Love the cookies! We were pretty bad picture takers weren't we?