Holy Moly Im 27 years old! I had one of the best birthdays ever Friday! The birthday celebration started with a few packages from my mom&dad, sisters, and Grandma on Wednesday. I forgot to take some picts, but I was so excited. They sent stuff for Graham too, which was half the fun. Since I am finally getting back to a normal size, clothes are becoming fun again, and thats what I got. Thanks SO much everybody for the great presents! Loved them all!
Friday morning the day got started off with Jared singing, a diet coke, and an egg mcmuffin(no cheese, no butter) Perfect! We went to Fort Collins, after Jared got done with work, and there I got a 90 minute massage at Massage Envy(a Valentines gift from Jared). We then went to shop a little,( J Crew of course) and found some cute stuff. Graham was on his best behavior, and Jared was being so sweet and patient:) We had some lunch, shopped a little bit more, and headed home.
Later that night we went to the Mall just for fun, and found an awesome sale at Dilliards, and got Jared some new pants. Got the cake to go, came home and watched Couples Retreat.
Thanks Sweet for a perfect day! I love you so much, and am the luckiest 27 year old I know.
Jared got me this necklace, which Im totally in love with (he only had a little help from me:)) You like?

We went to one of my favorite places for lunch..Biaggis, and had the most wonderful HUGE Chicken salad yummy! We walked around the shopping center, which is like gateway in Salt Lake for a while and had a great time in the nice 50 sunny weather!
Jared surprised me with a little shopping spree..and here is where we went..found some cute stuff! Thanks sweet!
Perfect ending to a perfect day..had to have some chocolate moulten cake from chilis..mmmm...totally worth the calories.
The next day we went out to eat with a couple of our great friends. I took a picture, but it was pretty brutal of all of us, so I saved us all the embarrasment and didnt post it. Thanks Lindsey&Nephi, Mark and Chels. It was so fun to celebrate with you. Lindsey even made me chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese frosting:)
The next day we went out to eat with a couple of our great friends. I took a picture, but it was pretty brutal of all of us, so I saved us all the embarrasment and didnt post it. Thanks Lindsey&Nephi, Mark and Chels. It was so fun to celebrate with you. Lindsey even made me chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese frosting:)