Its so late, but I wanted to wish my little boy a happy 6 week old birthday. I can't believe how fast he is growing and changing. I feel like one of those elderly people who constantly say, "they grow up so fast". He is the light in our days, and is truely joy sent from Heaven. It is funny how easily you adapt to being a parent. I mean, of course Im exhausted and am missing some sleep but he makes me feel so blessed and happy that it is hard to put into words. A mothers love truely is something you have to experience to understand. It also puts into perspective how my parents must feel about me..crazy.
I love you little Grahamo more than you know, and hopefully show you that everyday. I'm so glad you got to come live with us, and everyday is better than the next. I love being your mom, and will always try my best to be the best mom I can be. Thank you for your cute little neck kisses, and little smiles when i tickle the side of your face. I love your little chins, and chubby leg meat. Please stop growing up so fast, and always know how much your dad and i love you.
love, mom

Thanks Grandma Vickie and Papa for this little piece of Yellowstone..gotta start em young.
Grahamio, why are you growing so fast?! Your mom and I promised each other that we would enjoy what and who you are everyday; we promised each other we wouldn't say the words "I can't wait until he can..."; we thought that would make the time we have with you last a little longer each day, but it's not working! Everyday with you is a treat. The faces you make, the way you put your hands up by your head when you sleep, the way you squeeze our fingers as you fall asleep as if to say don't leave...all of that is so precious to us. We hardly ever put you down (we can't stand to) & when we do, we only talk about when we can pick you up and hold you again. We love you so much! I wish you could see all that your mom does to make you happy and well. She would do anything for you and has already went through so much to get you here and I know that she doesn't regret it. We both love you little buddy and hope you always know it!
Love, Dad
That hat is so cute! It'll definitely keep him warm up there in Wyoming. Hope you have a fun Christmas with everyone...wish we were there with you! Love ya!