What can I say, its true, I have pretty cute kids:) We are all on the mend here after mine and Jared's surgery. It was a pretty rough week last week. Jared's surgery was so much worse than we were prepared for. Thank goodness for family and friends who saved us! Jared got an infection along with his surgery, making recovery even tougher. With the two adults in the house not being able to lift more than ten pounds, Graham headed up to Grandma Vickie's and Papa's for the weekend. Thanks AGAIN mom and dad. Brett and Nurse Connie slept over the first night, and continued to help with anything and everything. It's so nice having them so close.

This kid is crazy! He is non stop and so sweet! And then there is his evil twin..he comes out once in a while and scares us to death!:)

Graham tending dad and sister..while watching I'm sure Megamind or Little Einsteins very focused. He is doing much better this week. He calls Charlie "Little", and kisses/drools on her head. Besides anything tractor/truck related, he has started to like puzzles lately. He is still not into coloring, but loves his books. At his 2 yr checkup, he was in the 80% in all areas, beast! He keeps us on our toes, and makes up smile while being very tired.

We tried a little photo shoot with Charlie. And by little, I mean we lasted about 3 minutes before Jared got light-headed and we both decided it wasn't really working. We needed Jenny's expertise..we will try again later. BUT I do love this one showing off her dimples. At her two week appt. she has gained almost a lb and an inch! She is very small and petite. She is 15% in her weight, 33% height.

Long, ashy feet..just like her mama's. Long toes too:)

She has the longest, skinniest, little legs. The angle shows them off, future volleyball player folks.
so happy for you Nicole, beautiful kids!