All of the people in our lives have helped us so much over the last year. I truely do not know how we would have made it through without them. I''m so grateful for their help, support, and love. You never understand service fully, until you fully need service. Thank you so much for making our lives better.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Giving Thanks
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Graham and Charlie
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Moultrie Family Love
We didn't spend our Holiday with any of Jared's family, but I would like to give thanks to them as well. KC flew out for a few days for Charlie's arrival, and saved us! With everything that was going on, he made it feel less hectic and took such great care of Graham. They went to Mcdonald's every day, played on the slides, watched shows, and played together. It is great to see Graham build a relationship with KC, favorite unc as he calls him:) KC brought him some new basketball shoes, a D Rose jersey, and spoiled all of us. We hope you know Kace how much it meant having you here, and how grateful we are for everything you do for us, especially that particular week. LOVE YOU!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Family of Four!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
An unexpected delivery
My contractions started to calm down, so we stopped at the house to grab a few things. I had no back packed, or anything ready. We threw a few things in a bag, and headed to Ogden Regional. We checked in, and then waited/tracked contractions for the next few hours. My contractions had calmed down quite a bit at this point, and they were having a hard time tracking them. Once we were there, we wanted to have her right then..and then as it went on I started to want to go home. I started to think we would be waiting another week, but the contractions were still there, and so the doc was called.
My whole labor/c section experience wasn't the best last time, so I had prepared myself for the worst. It ended up being SOO much better than the first time. The spinal was much better than the epideral, and everything seemed much smoother. Calvin, the anethesiologist(sp?) was great! He talked me through everything, and really made everything so much better. Jared and Calvin gave me a blessing right before we went into surgery. There are no bad blessings, but this one I truely felt manefested so strongly. Several times throughout the surgery and hospital stay I could feel the calmness of the spirit from that blessing and gained strength from it. It almost felt as if Heavenly Father was saying, Ill take care of things now. It was very special, and I'm so grateful for my wonderful, worthy husband.
Surgery is surgery. Weird, nerve racking, not fun. It took a little while longer than with Graham, and pretty quickly I knew everything was not 100 percent ok with Charlie. They showed her to me for two seconds, and then she went back with the nurses. I kept asking if everything was ok, and people was suffice me and say, "they are working on it". Kathy told me that she was having a little hard time breathing. Jared was trying to make me feel ok, but I could tell from his face that he was worried too. So I'm laying there on the table waiting for this sweet moment with my husband and new baby girl, and it never came. They told me she was going to the NICU to get some help. Jared went with her. I was wheeled to my room, and was alone for the next little bit. Graham and my mom came soon after. I remember feeling worried, confused, and just wanting to know what was going on. Jared was in and out for the next four hours. The next few hours were not the funnest.
Charlie's lungs weren't quite developed yet, and she had a small hole in one of her lungs. The doctor explained that when she took a deep breath, because her lungs werent quite ready, the deep breath created a small hole. It kinda "popped" is how it made sense in my head. She was struggling to breath, but could be seen. She had quite a few visitors that evening. I still hadn't been able to see her. I needed to get the feeling back in my legs, and had to be able to wheel to the NICU. Each time I would try to get up to go see her, I would puke. It was so frustrating. Finally around 3am I got to officially meet her. I was so excited. She had been improving they told me. She had several wires attached to her. I think that was the hardest part..seeing her all hooked up to monitors and the oxegen. She looked so little, fragile, and pretty. It was hard not holding her, but I was grateful to finally see her.
Wednesday was Graham's birthday, and we had quite the day. Charlie again, couldnt' come home with us, which really was a blow because we were sure she would be able to. KC came into town, and I think Graham had a great birthday. We tried to make it that way anyway:)

(one of our favorite nurses, Elise)

The next two days were nerve racking. We kept praying that she would be strong enough to get off the oxegen and be able to come home. Finally on Thursday afternoon she was cleared! It was so exciting going to pick her up. The nurses in the NICU were so great to her, and us. It was so relieving leaving with a healthy baby girl.
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