Saturday, July 7, 2012

Fathers day

Our fathers day this year was a little out of the ordinary. We celebrated on Saturday with Jared, and had a great time. It's so fun having kids to be able to make an extra big deal of holidays, I love it! We had special things throughout the day, and Jared and I even got to play some tennis:)
Sunday we were supposed to have Brett and Connie over for lunch then head up to big Al's for dinner and hang at my mom and dads. Well, Saturday night I got a terrible toothache and was up all night. Nothing would help, I even tried my oils. Luckily I have a wonderful cousin who I a dentist. He met me at his office in Logan and I spent a few hours getting fixed up. I got to do my own suction and everything. He showed me the cavity and all sorts of was rally interesting. Yea, root canal. I was just so glad to have the ache be gone that I'd do anything. I made it I my dads only to stay for a little while so we could come back home for dinner with Brett. We gave my dad his old bicycle from California that had been restore, it was a special, thoughtful gift that stace came up with.
I cannot say enough about the fathers in my life. I feel so blessed to have my dad as my dad. I continue to learn from him and admire him. I love the relationship he and graham are building and pray he will value him as much as I do.
I feel that same gratitude to heavenly father for my children who get to have Jared a their father. They could not have a better example, friend, protector, provider, father in the world. I love watching him love our children, and am so glad he's ours:)

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