We blessed Charlie Jessie Sunday, Feb 5th. It was so special. This time around, it seems as though I can relax a bit more and not worry about the little stuff quite as much. It was an absolutely beautiful blessing. Jared does such a great job, and I felt such peace, comfort, and pride knowing what a great father Charlie has to look up to. Seeing, hearing, and feeling the power of the priesthood is so overwhelming. She looked like an angel. We blessed her in the same dress I was blessed in. It was just right. She had just a splash of color with her pink sock/shoe booties(I saw them and HAD to have them). Afterward, we had everyone over for breakfast and enjoyed a great time. My mom and dad surprised us the night before and slept over!! Big deal for my dad to get out of Paradise:) It was so fun having them here, Graham wouldn't leave "Vickies" side. Katie cracked 120 eggs, and we had biscuits and gravy, eggs, and french toast. Thanks everyone for coming and for all your help!

Aunt Stacie's birthday was two days later, so we got her a cupcake and everyone sang.

Cutest pregnant lady ever! Rachel, my cousin Fred's wife.

Everyone kept teasing the newlyweds about how natural they looked as parents.

Cousin Brittany and Cambrielle.

This is the "Jessie" that Charlies middle name comes from

Papa was busy cooking, and Papi and Connies pic is on my mom's phone.
Oh my gosh your little family is so so sweet! Whiti how is it that we never hang out! You are not that far away. We must see each other soon. Pipps' baby shower will be in March (around the end) I hope that we get to see you then. Also as a side note. I know Rachel. She is a doll! Her brother and I were really good friends. Such a small world! I love your face and guts shoqe shoqe!