All dressed up for church. This little girl is a lot of fun to get dressed. You really become such a sucker for all the girly stuff. These pictures are from last week. We all made it to church on time! Its so nice to be back as a regular member. Graham is not loving nursery. It was his first week last week, and he is not adjusting the best. We never tookh im at 18 months, so hes a first-timer, but I'm sure he will get the hang of it soon. They told him that when he finished his treats that his mom would be back, so he pushed his treats forward and said that he was all done. Smart kid:)
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Happy Birthday Grandma Connie!

Sunday, January 15, 2012
Lucky Girl

Saturday, January 14, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Graham's Brain
Who knows what goes on in there??
Graham is so smart and so funny. He does and says some of the funniest things. Here are just a few..
*Graham, while delivering candy to a neighbor who wasn't home bent down and pushed the candy bucket toward their kitty and said, "here you go cind, Merry Christmas!"
*He told me this story last week.."once upon a time, there was a BIG horse, and a BIG bunny. They tried to reach the snowflake, but they could not reach them..TOO high in the sky."
*He wonders into the kitchen and constantly says," I need somethin' mama" while looking for food.
* I was feeding Charlie one day and my feet were up on the couch. He came over, started to rub them and said, "you need oils mam?" He takes good care of me:)
*His favorite song to listen to at night in bed is Silent Night.
*He tells you about the buffalo, cows, and ducks no matter what you ask him.
* He has been waking up very early lately. He comes out of his room, turns on all the lights, and demands cereal and a show.
*He still loves memorizing things, and can remember anyones name. He does not like to color!
He has been so entertaining. He keeps us on our toes, and makes us so excited to sleep at night:)
This week

Charlie is two months old now, and has hit a huge growth spurt. Her stats at the doc were 58% in height..23 in, 33% in weight..10 lb 13 oz, and 30% in head size. She has gained almost four pounds since her last visit. Her clothes are getting snug, and she is sleeping better, yay! She is a smiler which is so fun! I think every stage is fun with kids, but we are loving this one in particular right now. She coos and tells us stories, and is really starting to be more interactive.
Jared and I are being ruled by our children, but are not minding it too much:) I cut my hair off, and Jared organized the garage, it looks awesome! The end.

Sunday, January 1, 2012
It is quiet in my house right now. Hurry,what should I do? I wanted to put a few thoughts down so as to remember them in the years to come. I blog to keep a permanant record of our memories. As I uploaded all of the Christmas pics this year, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Sometimes the Holidays can be so hectic and often fly by so quickly. This year especially seems this way. It feels like it came and went and we didnt have time to truly soak it in. 2011 has been quite the year to say the least. We have been so blessed, and also have been tested a bit. Enough to say, that I'm so glad today is officially 2012. Its going to be a great year!
I'm so grateful for Family. I don't know how we would've surrived this year without them. The Lord knows what he is doing, and has a plan for us. I feel that we were able to move closer to home because he knew we would really need the support of our family this year. I have come to learn to rely on Him greater this year. It has been a lesson I already thought I had learned, but I learned it at a greater level. I cannot express how much it has meant be able to rely on so many. Graham and I lived at our "second home" throughout many months in Paradise. I know it isn't easy on anyone when I am pregnant, and I just want you to know, that I know.. and thank you for EVERYTHING. Along with our few surgeries post pregnancy, thanks again everyone for all your help.
My sweetheart. Jared. I do not know what I have done, nor will do to deserve him. He is my greatest blessing. I love him through good and not so good. I feel so blessed to have a partner that when things get hard, we can lean on each other( or I lean on him), and grow stronger together. I am proud to be your wife. You are my Mr. Fredrickson:)
Graham and Charlie, you are exhausting. Really. Exhausting in the only way I want to be exhausted though:) I am so glad I get to be your mom. You both are my greatest achievments and joy.
Christmas wasn't going to be a real big to do this year, but it ended up being just perfect. The little things truly mean so much. It was wonderful to have a house full for the week, and to strengthen relationships. I love how going home on Christmas always feels. I will not forget the boots my mom and sisters gave me because they wanted to get me a little something extra, or the recorded book my mom and dad actually sang on. So funny!! I will remember watching the best dad a kid could have setting up a 2 million pieced train set for his are so lucky Graham. My very special stocking stuffer, and Charlies first Christmas. I also am quite pleased with my tree this year:) Cooking together, sharing memories, and just spending time with one another is such a blessing. Im also so grateful for my Savior. The reason for the season. Among many things I've learned this year, I feel I have grown closer to Him as well. I am grateful for the hope, strength, and peace his gives me and my life.
Paradise Christmas
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