We finally made it to Veduauwoo(pronouced Ve-da-voo). It is this gorgeous, unique area in between Cheyenne and Laramie. We have been eyeing this place, and hearing about it since we moved here. Its kinda like Zions, except the rocks are quite different, and there arent any red ones around.

It is significantly smaller as well. We took the whole fam damily, Truman even ventured out with us. We had to stop periodically for him to cool down and drink. The rocks are so neat, they look like they have this thin layer of dry moss growin on them. Of couse I forgot the camera, thank goodness for cell phones:) Jared was kind of the rocks, he got pretty far up really fast. Graham loved it all. Its the best watching him study everything.
All of the other hikers, kept telling us how cute Graham and Truman were. It wasn't the most rigorous hike, but it was sure nice to get out.
oh that looks like so much fun! I'm glad you got out, and i would have to agree. Grahm is one cutie patooty!