Happy 2 week birthday my little boy! We cant believe how fast the time has gone by, and how blessed we are to have you in our family. You have grown so much already, and I swear you change everyday..slow down already. You had your first doctors appointment today, and you are one healthy boy. You weigh seven pounds now, and are growing and doing very well. You have two very proud parents who love you so much. It seems like you are filling out a little bit more in your cute chubby little face, sorry looks like you have your mamas cheeks:) You are so strong, and move your little head and neck all over. You really hate having your bum and clothes changed. Your dad is a speed racer at getting this done, but mom is a little slower. We cant get enough of you, and rarely put you down. Who knows how many pictures we have taken, and cant wait to take a million more. You have about a 3 hour cycle both day and night. Very rarely do you fuss or cry, only when hungry or in need of a diaper change.
I feel so blessed and privledged to be your mom. I hope you always know how much I love you. I cant believe how perfect you are. I truely feel like Heavenly Father sent us an angel. I love you little Grahamo.
love, mom
So sweet! I just love getting all the pics! The girls adore them...they can't wait to kiss him up!!