This is our perfect little angel. He had quite the time getting here, but finally arrived via c section Novemeber 2 at 11:51 pm. He was 17 days early. We are so in love with him, we cannot believe it. We keep saying "isnt he so cute?" to everyone and anyone. We are so so blessed to have such a healthy beautiful baby (especially with all those meds I was on during pregnancy:))
We were originally scheduled to be induced Oct 29, but the worst storm in ten years decided to blow into town, snowing our doctor in, and moving us to delivery a few days later. We think this really was a blessing because my mom was able to be there in the hospital and Gma Connie and Gpa Brett (Papi) were able to drive safetly shortly after. Our wonderful doctor who has seen us just about every week the entire time, Dr Eskam, was able to deliver Graham and take great care of us.
We arrived at the hospital around 7:30 very excited and anxious. We needed an amnio test to make sure his lungs were all developed before we could proceed. When they did the ultrasound, there was not enough fluid to even take the test..telling us that Graham was ready to come now.
We started the inducement and I had some just lovely back labor which continued to get worse and worse. I threw up about every bad contraction toward the end, and my dear sweet wonderful husband had to hold my head up and hold the puke bucket. Still not dialating quickly enough, Dr Eskam suggested that I had an epideral. This was a horrible experience!! I screamed out "holy s&%#" and "s&%#" quite a few times. I didnt think it would hurt that bad, and I kept hoping that the needle wouldn't paralyze me.

With the epideral not really working like they want, so they double it up and I got so sick! My body does not do well with medicine, obviously. So a little while later, after jared had asked the nurse why I was acting like a crazy person, and still dialated to 4 cm, Dr. Eskam suggested a c section....
Yes, I was the person who skipped reading up on the c section parts in the book because I didn't think i would ever need one (bad idea, read up on them).

It was quite the weird experience being strapped down and feeling strange pulling and tugging on your stomach. I kept asking if Graham was ok, and then I heard that wonderful cry :) Jared was by my side the whole time telling me everything was ok, and that he was beautiful. He was so excited, and when they brought him over to me, i couldn't help but be overwhelmed with joy and relief that everything was ok. Jared went off with Graham to the nursery and was just so excited, and happy. I could not ask for a better partner in life, I am so blessed to have him, and cannot even express how much I love him, and how grateful I am for him. Graham loved his bath, and Jared got to help out. Doctor Eskam did sneak Gma Vickie in the nursery to see him.

We had such great helpers come for a few days, and honestly could not have been more happy for their company and especially for their help. Thanks so much for coming Gma Vickie, Gma Connie, Papi, Gma Marge and Pam, we loved every minute!

We have already taken a million pictures, and thus giving our second child (if there is one) no hope of having as many pictures as Graham..poor middle child, he will be like Jared and I.
Plenty of pictures to come...again I'm new at the blog thing, so cut me some slack on all the fancy stuff for a while!