Sunday, May 23, 2010
Puppy Love
Jared is in love with bulldogs. We have been talking about getting one for as long as I can remember. We even have a doghouse, leash, and collar. We really don't want a high-maintenance dog, or one that lives in the house. Guess thats why we haven't gotten one yet. We have a family in our ward that raises bulldogs, and we couldn't resist. They are top of the line, and a good deal..well as good as a deal as these ridiculously expensive dogs can be. Anyway, we decided to have a playdate with one the other day to ensure that Graham wasn't allergic and just to give it a test run.
Jared walked in the door with him, and we all 3 were instantly in love. We are still debating..don't know if we can commit, or spend that much money on a dog. But.... for these few hours we were proud bulldog owners.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
6 months..and two weeks
Everything checked out great at his appointment, and they all were impressed with his size and happiness. He is turning into quite the little ham in front of strangers. He will smile and carry on, especially with the ladies. His chubby little cheeks make people think he is bigger than he actually is.
Weight 17 lbs(we thought he would be 19 or 20 I swear). Average percentile
Height 27 inches...upper percentile
Head cir..17 inches..average percentile
Doc said he was a healthy boy. Just what we wanted to hear. His little hemangioma is fine, hasn't grown any. He seems to think is will go away on its own. No shots for this kid yet. So it was a happy appointment for all 3 of us.
Things you do that make us smile...
smile:) your whole face lights up when you do
laugh when we "eat your belly"
you love taking baths with dad
grab you little toes
rolling..belly to back you are a pro, still waiting on the back to belly(very close)
You hate cereal, and are not a fan of baby food. You are getting a little better at banannas and oatmeal cereal. Its a texture thing with you..or so we think. We will just keep trying. You make the funniest faces when you eat..yuck!
You tend to have quite stinky toots buddy..its true
You scrunch up your little body when we hold you sometimes, we call it "buckin bull"
You have started arching your back when you are upset(don't like this one)
favorite toy..Chewing your giraffe, and the quacky duck
Anything you do, is just wonderful. I can't believe how quickly you change, and how much I love you.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
had to get this up quick to show everyone, including Jared who is on the road. Graham is gettin pretty good at this hopping stuff..he loves it!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
California..trip #2
We spent a few days last week in California visiting Kc, Jess, and the girls. Camron is leaving for his mission soon, and we thought it would be great to have one last trip before he left. We had such a great time!!! The weather was perfect, Graham was soooo much better this time, and we felt like time went by way too fast. Looks like i only used my camera during pool day, but oh well we got some great shots. The girls and Graham got along so well together..its so fun watching them interact with eachother. Gabi still yells, "baby Graham, baby Graham!!!" and wants to eat him up. Olivia is very sweet with him, and he kept on smiling at her. Again, he was a pro-traveler..we had layovers each way and he was such a good little flyer. Hope that lasts for awhile:) The brothers love being together, and I feel so blessed to have a sister(in law) that I love spending time with just as much. 

Thank you all so much for letting us come and visit and for taking such great care of us. We love spending time with you, and miss you very much!!!

Uncle KC took Graham in for his first dip, it was a little chilly at first but he warmed up soon after.

I love this picture! We got the girls matching dresses, and this was right after we arrived. We spent the weekend playing ball, beasting at Cardio barre, grilling, visiting, watching some ball, playing at the pool, eating good food, watching livs kirate, making memories, and just enjoying being together. Thanks for letting us come along on your weekend Cam.
Thank you all so much for letting us come and visit and for taking such great care of us. We love spending time with you, and miss you very much!!!
Uncle KC took Graham in for his first dip, it was a little chilly at first but he warmed up soon after.
I love this picture! We got the girls matching dresses, and this was right after we arrived. We spent the weekend playing ball, beasting at Cardio barre, grilling, visiting, watching some ball, playing at the pool, eating good food, watching livs kirate, making memories, and just enjoying being together. Thanks for letting us come along on your weekend Cam.
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