These two pictures make me smile this week. Graham is an outdoor nut! We went up to my mom and dads for a few days. Papa, Graham, and myself got to feed the cows every morning. I must say I loved it. I haven't done that in years, and it was so fun watching Graham soak it up. He loves the "buffs" and gettting a rootbeer after is the best. We even went sledding for Graham for his first time. He liked it much better when it was over. The snow flew up in his face, and he tells people that he "got real wet". It was fun for me, and I didn't even tip us over.
Charlie is two months old now, and has hit a huge growth spurt. Her stats at the doc were 58% in height..23 in, 33% in weight..10 lb 13 oz, and 30% in head size. She has gained almost four pounds since her last visit. Her clothes are getting snug, and she is sleeping better, yay! She is a smiler which is so fun! I think every stage is fun with kids, but we are loving this one in particular right now. She coos and tells us stories, and is really starting to be more interactive.Jared and I are being ruled by our children, but are not minding it too much:) I cut my hair off, and Jared organized the garage, it looks awesome! The end.
Love the pictures! Glad to see you're doing well. I wish we lived closer!