Saturday, January 16, 2010

Who needs a neck when you have three chins..

Well this little guy started out at 6lb 10oz, but you would never guess it by the plump chubbo now. It seems like he has almost skipped a clothing size completely. We love his little rolls and belly. We rub it for good luck sometimes (not really). Although we do have to peel back the rolls under his chin so we can wash his neck. Just needed a little more room after lunch
Love my bath time with dad

I mean really, could I be any cuter???

I do realize that the majority of my posts are all about Graham, but that is my world now..and until I figure out that there are other things going on, it will probably continue:)
Jared and I are doing great. The weather in Cheyenne is better than Utah right now and we have been enjoying spring like temps. Jared went to Phoenix this past week for work, and now would love to move there. He loves big cities and any place that is warm. Im embracing motherhood and attending storytime at the library, and playgroup at the church. Graham sleeps through them, but Im sure he loves them.
Graham is making the cutest little noises and smiling more than ever. I can't believe how much he changes every day. He really isn't too fond of "tummy time" but im sure he is advanced in every other area..I mean look at his parents:)


  1. Nathan has that shirt.
    He is pretty cute.

  2. Hi Cole, I love the new look of your blog! Graham baby is so darling! I keep checking your blog for new pics! love ya Bon

  3. Our kids always hated tummy time, which probably helped them learn to roll over. They'd just cry, scream, and kick until one day they'd finally manage to roll over.

  4. Hi Nicole! I'm so glad you blog-stalked me!! Your lil chubs Graham is adorable!! I love his name, I love that he has to undo that top button after lunch...I can relate :) That's so cool that your hub is a drug rep, they are seriously the best! A month ago I wouldn't have known how awesome they are. Looks like you guys are doing great and I'm glad Cheyenne's weather is being nice to you! Pac nje jave sa me te mire!

  5. Whiti!!! I am also so happy you stalked me, cause I didn't know you had a blog either, and now I can see your adorable little munchkin. Can I just say, he's the cutest thing ever! And I bet you're the best little mamma. Just reading your posts makes me laugh-you're so funny! And I love you. over and out.
