Saturday, November 28, 2009


I don't really have anything in particular to post about, but just wanted to put up some really cute, random pictures that we have been taking. Graham is growing so fast, and has changed so much already. He gained 7oz in 5 days last week! Yes, he is a good eater, and we love that he is getting chubbier. He has now gone to two movies, and done a little shopping. We have been pretty protective of him, but are letting him get out just a little now. We even get to go to church tomorrow. We are loving our new little family, and are loving being together. It is so great to feel better, and back to my normal self. I feel truly happy, content, and blessed.

Thanksgiving Party for 3

Our favorite nurse Sally, who we went to vistit on Thanksgiving.

Gotta bundle up in Cheyenne

He sleeps with his mouth open sometimes like his mama

Jared's new, wonderful, lovely car. Jared works for Takeda Pharmaceuticals, a wonderful company that supplies him with w a new car every 60,000 miles. With as much as he travels, he should be seeing a variety of vehicles.

Blue is his color. Although, we think he looks good in everything.

Im tired, but a very happy tired mama.

He has started to suck on his fist a little bit

Cutest little boy in the world!


  1. He is so precious! I LOVE all the pictures...they are so adorable!! We are all so excited to meet him and see both of you...The girls ask to see pics of him every day:) We are counting down!!!

  2. Cindy-
    you are right the video is pretty awesome. He is so so cute and I can't wait to see him in December. Love your faces xoxoox

  3. Look how cute he is! This is the best time to enjoy the baby! I hope his upset tummy is feeling better. It's so good to hear you are feeling better look really good! We love seeing all the pictures...keep them coming! Love ya!

  4. Yay, I found your blog! I'm going to be spying on you a lot from now on. How fun! You're such a beautiful momma. I'm so happy for you and all the amazing-ness that's happening in your life. Love you, moj!
